
Friday, December 6, 2013

Reincarnation...Remembering Past Lifes….The Ancient Yogic Secrets of Vanishing and the Science of Trans- Portation

.." In deep meditative states the Yogi ( spiritually perfected soul) can remember and understand all his past lives..” The words of Swami Vivekananda’s Raja Yoga ( Chapter 3- Aphorism 18) read to us by Revered Swami Kripamayananda Maharaj  ( Swami K) senior Monk of the Ramakrishna order and President of the Vedanta Society of Toronto Canada.

 It  was December 4th   ..six students were back.. at the Vedanta Society of Toronto classes on Meditation and Spirituality that is not limited to anyone religious path..but appreciates the greatness of every great religion.....We are lucky  that  both  of our Teachers were there in the class.that day to explain to us the deep truths of the scriptures.
There was a silent yet palpable thrill that went through our class as we heard the reading.
China, Tibet, Lhasa, Symbol of Reincarnation on Roof Top of Jokhang Monastery Photographic Print
Ancient symbol of Reincarnation on Rooftop of Jokhang Monastery Lhasa Tibet.

Our Swami K was joined by Professor Kumar Murty Chairman Mathematics department university of Toronto. Professor Murty  is an internationally renowned authority in Mathematics and Physics and respected for not only his scientific knowledge  but also for his spiritual values and logical approach as  a teacher of Vedanta.

Swami K explained how many people remember patches and bitsof their past lives on and off. ( the feeling of Déjà vu)...and whatever we are today is a result of our Karma ( Actions in previous lives) the impressions ( Samskaras ) of our past lives.shape the way we think and act .Perfected souls have  a steady understanding of their past lives in an unbroken chain. Swami K cited the life of Lord Buddha..he said “ Buddha recalled all his 500 past lives and those are documented as the Jataka Tales…in each and every life of his he worked towards saving and helping others no matter what physical form he took..”

Some examples of Sri Ramakrishna’s comments of ‘ Samskara’ or impressions of past lives were cited by students  such as the story of a Prince who loved to play “ washer boy” because he had been a washer man in another life. Ma Sarada devi has once seen a group of western foreigners looking at the ruins of the temples at  Bodhgaya in utter awe and she remarked " in their previous lives they were the very people who build the temples and now they have come back to look back at their work"...
 One of the students in the class wryly remarked that he could not even remember what happened   last remembering the last life was out of  we all broke into laughter  Professor Kumar Murty explained that if we really wanted to remember something then we could just by concentrating and focusing  on what we want to know. He confirmed that masters of meditation can truly remember and understand their past lives and that explains to them their present life and its purpose. They are able to overcome attachments both good and bad and move towards perfect freedom. Professor Kumar Murty concluded by saying “  From the understanding of the past comes the saying there is no Saint without a past or a Sinner without a future”..

The discussion briefly moved on to the method's used in Hypnosis that take a person into their very past and the opinion of the Teachers was that in the long term..Hypnosis can be harmful while Meditation is a self searching spiritual tool that gives one the ability to know himself and his past , present and future best...

Reincarnation...Remembering Past Lifes….The Ancient Yogic Secrets of Vanishing and the Science of Trans- Portation

The second verse that followed described the powers of the mind of the Yogi.. ( a yogi here means a spiritual master) "when a Yogi applies and concentrates his mind ( sama yoga)  on the physical traits and impressions of any human being he can actually understand the mind.. the thoughts. The character and the traits of that human being “ explained Swami K.  This explanation was followed by Swami K citing the many examples of Sri Ramakrishna who often said…that he could see into the heart or soul of any human being who came to him just as a man can look into glass..There is also an entire chapter of Sri Ramakrishna’s explanation and description of ` physical signs and traits’ that indicate other characteristics of a person..This information can be found in the book Leelaprasanga or " Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master".

The verse that followed this  explained the Metaphysical  Science behind the legendry but not impossible act of `Vanishing 'which many Spiritual Masters are documented to have done in various scriptures right from the life of Sri Gajananda Maharaj ( Sheogaon India ) to that of Trailanga Swami ( Benaras India ) Jesus Christ , and many others. ( the book autobiography of an Yogi) provides a lot of insight on some of these feats.The vanishing acts  and other miracles of  Trailanga Swami ( who met Sri Ramakrishna) are described in this wikipedia article

This also explains how Spiritual Masters such as Ramakrishna ,Shirdi Sai Baba,  Jesus and other greats have documented evidence of being seen in two different places at the same time. This secret science of  meta physical "Trans Port" is also being studied by Scientist over the world revealed Professor Kumar Murty. Swami K explained it as the ability of those who are one with God to present everywhere at the same time and so can be seen anywhere and everywhere even in multiple places if they want..

Swami K told the class that as the scriptures say that every word spoken and ever prayer said is somewhere in the great cosmos..Scientists  in some of the world best universities are actually trying to study if there will technology in the future to bring back to us the original voices of the  ancient prayers, recitations and words uttered by  the great  incarnations ..and Rishis ( Sages)..

Both Swami K and Professor Kumar Murty commented that while the stories of  many ancient scriptures of many cultures  are called Mythology and are considered to be more fantastic than Science fiction..we are understanding more and more that there is actually Scientific truth behind many scriptures..and stories..of every religion..they also cautioned that Patanjali , Swami Vivekananda and all the authors of the four Yogic paths had emphasised the need for morality and spiritual ethics in the seeker of these metaphysical sciences since the power a seeker may acquire is so dynamic that it can destroy one who is not established in God and faith. That is why the seeker must always be grounded in his spiritual path first and foremost.

Note : Swami K and professor Kumar Murty also refer to the detailed explanation of  Swami Vivekanandas works by Swami Sarvagatananda Maharaj who was the late president of the Vedanta Society of Boston USA.