
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Raja Yoga : The World's oldest lessons on Psychology: Swami Vivekananda

The Powerful effects of Karma and how it works and how 
' Karmic' effects are carried  from one Life Time to another,  forms the basis of much of the Ancient Spiritual Philosophy of  Patanjali's Aphorisms and the four spiritual paths from the Vedas
 ( the oldest spiritual literature known to mankind). In Toronto Canada a small group of students  study the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda . Over The Last  two weeks we took a look at   the Laws of Karma and how Environment ,Time and space take us on our spiritual journey.. and how Raja Yoga is a pure lesson in Human Psychology and Mind Control..

                                            ततस्तद्विपाकानुगुणानामेवाभिव्यक्तिर्वासनानाम् ॥८॥
8.Swami Vivekananda's explanation from Raja Yoga : From these threefold works are manifested in each state only those desires (which are) fitting to that state alone. (The others are held in abeyance for the time being.)
Suppose I have made the three kinds of Karma, good, bad, and mixed, and suppose I die and become a god  ( Angel/ demi god ) in heaven. The desires in a god body are not the same as the desires in a human body; the god body neither eats nor drinks. What becomes of my past unworked Karmas which produce as their effect the desire to eat and drink? Where would these Karmas go when I become a god? The answer is that desires can only manifest themselves in proper environments. Only those desires will come out for which the environment is fitted; the rest will remain stored up. In this life we have many godly desires, many human desires, many animal desires. If I take a god body, only the good desires will come up, because for them the environments are suitable. And if I take an animal body, only the animal desires will come up, and the good desires will wait. What does this show? That by means of environment we can check these desires. Only that Karma which is suited to and fitted for the environments will come out. This shows that the power of environment is the great check to control even Karma itself.
Our Spiritual Teachers The Reverend Swami Kripamayananda Maharaj Head of the Vedanta Society of Toronto and Professor Kumar Murty University Of Toronto Canada
( Renowned Mathematician and Teacher on Vedanta) were our guides in the last two Wednesdays of August.. We were gathered at the Vedanta Society of Toronto in Canada.We also refer to the Book " Meditation and Contemplation on Raja Yoga by Swami Sarvagathananda Maharaj the late head of the Vedanta Society of Boston USA.
While most of us found the passage and explanation in English ( By Swami Vivekananda) very self explanatory our spiritual teachers gave us some more examples which were more ' Earth Bound". They explained that many of the examples were from 'Ancient texts" researched by the publishers of Raja Yoga are not so ' Down to Earth" and relevant today.
Professor Kumar explained that of all the ' spiritual" Yoga's Raja Yoga  ( Royal meditation) was the best tool for Psychology because it showed us how we can Train and Discipline our minds and make our minds an instrument to take us towards our goals.  He emphasized that in this sense Raja Yoga was pure Psychology because it  enables us to understand and 'watch' our minds.Our faith and who we pray to is not the object of study here as much as the study of Meditation and Mind Control and taking our mind to higher levels of spiritual progress.
The Two points he gave us were " Memory and Impression". He explained that when we have an experience and remember it that is Memory and when that  Memory becomes deeply embedded we call it an ' Impression". Our Impressions ( Or Samskaras) make us react or behave in certain ways..the secret is to understand why we are reacting and control that impulse. Example..someone usually `Taunts' you and you react every time you see that person. Understand what you are doing an stop 'reacting' to them and they will 'lose control' to hurt you.
Impressions can be taught..example parents teach their children some " impressions" This may be good or may be bad such as " racial" or " Selfish and negative ideas about people'. Kids grow up with learned " Impressions' that were not necessarily their  own experience. Politicians " teach" people to think in a certain way by instigating them as do people in society and Master Minds who seek control over millions. 
Mind acts upon mind. Stronger minds act upon weaker minds. A participant raised the example of how " Con-men" or ' Social Engineers" deceive people because they understand the " Mind and weaknesses" of people. Another participant remarked that this Mind reading may be ' good or bad' example a Mother understands the heart ans mind of her child  as a spiritual mentor or Swami or Guru / Pastor etc understands the minds of the devotees. Similarly Master Minds that lead Terrorist organizations etc also understand psychology and minds. 
Our Teachers said that it was up to us the individual to decide whose " influence" we wish to fall under and the best way was to be " Free or Independent " Kevalam" not swayed by any. Stand on your " own grounds " 
A participant said that she would rather be influenced by a true Spiritual Master than a an evil leader .Professor Kumar gave the example of Sri Ramakrishna and the kinds of people who went to him . Some people were spell bound by his spiritual talk and some were `restless' to get away from the place..they were more attracted to the " Entertainment Districts of Kolkatta and not the Holy Grounds of Dakshineshwar in those days.
Similarly the Internet or the " Air" are full of all kinds of messages and depends on us..on what we chose and what attracts us...This ' Tendency" or deep " Impression on how we think, react or feel attractions and repulsion s toward are called " Samskaras'.  So if you find yourself seeking spiritual information..that is your good "samskara" if Violence and Perversion attract you that is your Bad" Samskaras' Impressions from former lives..and you can overcome it with training the mind to " Go in another Direction"..Re- Direct the Mind or Ego. " Re - Program your samskaras"
Professor Kumar said that if you understand where the " Ego" of a person lies you can easily " control" them. Example..if a person is vain about their ability to sing and you tell them that they are poor singers they may " explode" ( Go Ballastic") . However if you tell them that they are bad hockey players( and they never play the game) they will not have any reaction.
Sri Ramakrishna would say that we have an " Unripe ego" runs towards self importance and " Ripe ego" Given to God. It is better to say I'm a devotee of  God than to say..I'm the " Richest and best looking person " in this city. 
Here training the Ego or Mind to go in a better direction is the lesson.".
Someone raised the point that too much of pride on one's faith leads to 
" Fundamentalism/Fanaticism " and the conclusion from all was that true devotees of God..true spiritual aspirants cannot be " Fanatics' because Fanaticism is not Love it is " Hate disguised as Love for One God...and Fundamentalist leaders play on this
 " weakness" of their followers or congregation.."Truth is one; sages call it by various names," the Rig Veda, one of Vedanta's most ancient texts, declared thousands of years ago.
The Shrine at the Vedanta Society of Providence USA . Vedanta Pays honor to all great faiths.
We also discussed how through out  Raja Yoga we have been studying the Importance of Meditation..Continuation and Culmination which leads to 'Samadhi' "Complete unbroken absorption on one point." This practice  enables us to understand any subject we put our minds to and even go beyond it..
In relation to the Aphorism above the teaching was that it is " Desire" that creates " Karma and that Karma good, bad or mixed leads us to ' Bondage' However in order for some " Karma " to bear fruit..we must be in the proper place / time or situation..

Our Swami K had explained how we are carrying the effects of many kinds of ' karma" and the fruit is borne at different times in different ways.
For example a person has  a great desire  and " Stored" karma to be a great Musician..he needs to get out of his " cradle" and grow up a bit before he can fulfill this desire...There are not too many ' Babies' who emerge from the womb singing the 
" Classics of Beethoven"...( though some sound like they do)..:)

Our teachers said " There are some places where the prevalence of ' Tamas"
 ( The dark negative energy) would be dominating such as in prisons, ghettos and war and crime ridden areas. It is very difficult for ' Sattvik" ( Good )energy to be manifested in such places even if a person has a prevalence of " sattva" it is kept " under cover" until the right time and place enables a person to " reveal it" said our Revered spiritual teacher Swami Kripamayananda Maharaj. " However, very high and spiritually evolved souls can venture into these places and remind people that they are all " Sat Chit Ananda" which means Truth, Pure existence of the Soul and real happiness ( Bliss)' . Professor Kumar  Murty gave us the example of how Sri Ramakrishna could even change people with a single touch or glance. In one example an aggressive and Tough Wrestler of the day who was feared by many had visited Sri Ramakrishna casually and was touched by him casually . Years later some one visited the Wrestler who had become a totally changed man. He was transformed into a pious, gentle, spiritual being who had given up all his former tastes and habits and taken to a spiritual life..and he claimed that it was that one touch and meeting with Sri Ramakrishna that has done this.
In Sri Ramakrishna's life we see many example of dramatic transformations.One famous one was that of Girish Chandra Ghosh who was a famous Dramatist, Actor and writer. He was known as a man with a great weakness for wine, woman and many vices..yet in a few meetings with Sri Ramakrishna he became one of the most ardent spiritual seekers amongst the devotees of that time. So too was the case of a man named Kali Pada Ghosh who was a notorious Gambler  and debauch who had abandoned and thrown his family into grief..after meeting Sri Ramakrishna he became a totally reformed person. . In The life of Sri Sarada devi the wife of Sri Ramakrishna there were even greater effects of her purity and holiness.  
Her " Devotees' included such ' Greats" as a notorious Dacoit ( Bandit) named Amjad,  a large number of alcoholics, ..mentally unstable individuals and women of un certain character,  Her love and spirituality won them all over and not only did they reform but became examples of devotion and purity to others...Similarly in the Bible there are numerous stories of people who were stuck in the `sludge' since their birth and one touch and glance of the Christ gave them life and " lifted " them up..not only those who suffered physically but also spiritually and morally..
" We are all light" said professor Kumar.." We came from Light..That light has been covered by dirt..and with spiritual practice and spiritual company we will be able to " wash away" the dirt that covers our souls..Our revered Swami K said that all spiritual practices were meant to " Clean the garbage" in our minds and hearts and bring us closer and closer to the " light".

There was also a discussion on seemingly " Dual karmic" Forces in play in our lives. For example a person may be very spiritually inclined and also enjoy many of the   "Worldly Desires" that present themselves. Our Swami explained that while it may seem like ' Duality' it is actually Two karmic forces manifesting in one Life and eventually the " purer" one will win. ( King Janaka was a legendary King who had Yoga and Bhoga..spirituality and love of wealth both).
Our teachers also mentioned the cautionary words of Sri Ramakrishna who advised aspirants to first be careful of the company they keep and to become very spiritually " Strong" and God centered.." After the young sapling has become strong then goats and animals cannot touch/ reach it " Sri Ramakrishna would say. If we try to ' Save and guide others' when we ourselves do not have that God given " call' or  we are not yet realized souls"we are like a Log that sinks and takes everything that " hangs on to it" down too...True spiritual Souls are Like Ocean Liners they can cross the Ocean of this world and take hundreds of people with them towards spiritual Freedom..
Even today we see highly realized and strong souls who are able to reach out to  prisoners and other people in trouble and reform them completely. One such example is that of the revered Swami Divyananda Maharaj of Belur Math Kolaka 
( India) who visited Canada recently.This Swami has saved many people from Indian prisons and brought them into the main stream of life as reformed and responsible members of society..  Similarly the Christian nun Mother Teresa would reach out to the abandoned babies on the streets and give them a new life. 
In the path of Vedanta , every person who is ' helped' or saved' is encouraged to keep following the Spiritual path they were born into to or prefer most.." Vedanta believes that all peace and truth giving paths come from one one same God and so no one is ever pressurized to become a follower of "This God or That God" in exchange for being " rescued or helped in life.." Swami Divyananda maharaj has rescued a large number of Muslim girls who were victims of crimes and landed up in
 " Shelters" he helped return them safely to their own families.
Our revered Swami Kripamayananda Maharaj concluded by saying that when a person becomes totally pure and in tune with God's word he becomes an ' Instrument' in God's hand to do good to the world..power, money, help and support come from all sources when a person has tuned in with the " Mission which God has in his/ her Life" said our Swami Kripamayananda Maharaj.

Lunch Break 

..And that is why we do not often see " Miracle Lunch Breaks"  happening  In this day and age...

Friday, August 15, 2014

Raja Yoga and the subject of Depression, Suicide and Mental illnesses from the perspective of Vedanta...

This last week..the world was shocked at the suicide of Actor Robin Williams who was well known and well loved over the world.His death brought back the debate and awareness of many symptoms of mental illnesses such as depression, suicidal tendencies and Hopelessness....         
Swami Vivekananda.
 At the Vedanta Society of Toronto in Canada..a group of students gathered to study  Raja Yoga the ancient scriptures from India:  Using the example of Robin Williams as a background our spiritual teacher The Renowned Monk Revered Swami Kripamayananda Maharaj the Head of the Vedanta Society of Toronto Canada had a serious discussion with us the students about the questions of depression, mental health and suicide and related topics in relation to our scriptures. We the students asked him our questions and  He gave us the view of the mental health in relation to spirituality from the Vedas.Here is Patanajali's Yoga aphorisms from Raja Yoga chapter 4 and the explanation by Swami Vivekananda. which we have been studying over the last few years. We also refer to the book Meditation and Contemplation on Raja Yoga by Swami Sarvagathananda maharaj the late head of the Vedanta society of Boston USA.
Raja Yoga: Chapter 4 Aphorism 7
कर्माशुक्लाकृष्णं योगिनस्त्रिविधमितरेषाम् ॥७॥Patanjali in Sanskrit.
7. Swami Vivekananda : Works are neither black nor white for the Yogis; for others they are threefold — black, white, and mixed.
When the Yogi has attained perfection, his actions, and the Karma produced by those actions, do not bind him, because he did not desire them. He just works on; he works to do good, and he does good, but does not care for the result, and it will not come to him. But, for ordinary men, who have not attained to the highest state, works are of three kinds, black (evil actions), white (good actions), and mixed.
ततस्तद्विपाकानुगुणानामेवाभिव्यक्तिर्वासनानाम् ॥८॥  

Seek God in Sadness and Lonliness
Our Discussion : Our spiritual teacher Swami Kripamayananda Maharaj explained that while no one can work without motive, in the saints and higher souls it is a very great God induced motive to do good to the world..such as that in the life of the spiritual Masters such as Sri Ramakrishna , Swami Vivekananda, The Christ and other saviors had..Most people are bound by their action..which is either good or bad or mixed.On the question of Mental health : Reverend Swami Kripamayananda Maharaj explained it from the point of view of the Theory of Karma and our  natural character/qualities. Vedanta/ Hinduism/Sanathan Dharma teaches us that every being ( Including animals) are made of three qualities, Satva ( Pure and full of light), Rajjass ( Energetic and full of desire) and Tamas ( Inert, lazy, darkness, dullness.) We are all made of a mixture of these three ' Guna's 'but one dominates the personality of a person most of the time and determines his nature. However a person's nature changes with his actions and what he seeks and he can go into a higher frame of mind or fall into a darker lower one.
Light..and brightness qualities of Sattwa.

People who have more of sattva are " Light filled'' , full of goodness, goodwill, mild natured, gentle, happy, moderate , compatible, balanced, wise  and temperate in all they do and how they live their lives. They are not driven by greed or power but prefer the gentle way of life and whatever comes to them naturally. They are extremely upright, honest, selfless and God centered. The more spiritual a person is the more of this purity and sattva is manifested. .Many people who choose a spiritual call in life such as Sadhus and Sanyassinis ( Monks and spiritual seekers) are said to be of a very Sattvik ,pure nature.When a greater percent of Sattwa is mixed with some Rajjas then great activity for the good of mankind takes place such as establishing of Religion, morality and justice..the great works carried our by prophets and establishers of
 ' Righteousness' comes from a mixture of mostly Satwa and some Rajjass.

Action and Energy are Rajjas.

People who are of Rajass are filled with energy and activity..they are workaholics and action driven..they are also filled with passions and strong likes and dislikes..the effect of their work can be good or bad depends on how they use it..anger, passion, love of wealth, learning,lust , power driven and administrative abilities etc. It is  the characteristics of most people who live in the world and strive for success.When  Rajjass dominates and has some little Satva mixed then great activity such as building of education institutions, nations, wealth,industry and Scientific break through- take place. When Rajjas combines with Tamas then war , destruction, evil energy and the power of the darker forces rule.Just as individuals have character so do Nations and people of the Nations. 
The third is Tamas: Darkness, dullness, Laziness, sorrow, depression, decay, addictions,loneliness and all that is beastly , including violence,destruction,extreme  hatred and evil.The people who harass and abuse others and enslave others and  indulge in sense pleasures without control are people of extreme Tamas.
Our Nature and what we are is determined by our Karma ( Actions in word, thought and deed)..Vedanta also believes that Karma is carried from life to life what we are today is the result of our previous works and actions in former lives. This is called Samskara ( the impressions and habits from previous births)  We are all carrying baggage..some of it is 'Light '(good) and some of it is heavy with shed that `baggage'..and become free ..spiritually the aim of human life.

Darkness. Disappears in Light and Hope...
What we know as depression and mental instability is a dominance of Tamas: Darkness :To fight it one must use " Light" which is spiritual true spiritual company, spiritual discipline such as meditation, spiritual music, learning the scriptures,selfless action in giving back to society..peaceful positive thoughts and staying away from isolation , loneliness and selfishness and negativity..A mixture of Rajas and greater Tamas leads to addictions, seeking false `uppers' such as alcohol and drugs , sense pleasures ,perversions and all the vices. 
False beliefs that harm the seeker as well as others. Truly evolved spiritual souls have the ability to `help lift' the fallen ( seen in the life Ramakrishna and of Christ and all the Spiritual Masters) . That is why the advise.." seek holy company" Sri Ramakrishna used to say.."One candle can light up a room that has been dark for centuries.".so if your " Light is Right" your darkness should  flee away instantaneously..light Destroys darkness !
 Fundamentalist beliefs that seek to harm and destroy people of other faiths than ones own is a manifestation of Tamas the dark side of human nature.That is why Vedanta stands of the principle that All True religions that teach peace, harmony, love and unselfishness come from that one true light of God. When religion is twisted to harm others and seek power for oneself..then it is not from is Tamasic. Especially today the Hate of the fundamentalists is destroying the world and in every great religion there is a sect that hates people of other faiths because theses people do not believe in what they 
( The fundamentalists want them to believe). This creates a great " Question " in the mind of most people of what exactly is spirituality and what is the root of "fundamentalism" in the name of religion.? why do some people walk out of  a Church or a Temple or a mosque and begin to hate and deride people of other faiths?...was that the message of their prophets and Gods?..Did Christ or Allah or Rama say go out and hate the non believers? 
Most people walk the middle path..they are not 'too religious' nor are they complete atheists..yet the ' shenanigans' of the fundamentalists and border line fundamentalists keep them away from seeking the spiritual path.

The shrine in the Vedanta Society of Toronto pays honour to all faiths.
  " Pure Faith" in your own spiritual ideal and respect for others and serious spiritual discipline such as prayer, meditation, Japam ( repetition of God's name with faith) self awareness in everything we do and non violence in thought, word and speech is pure action which takes us God word..and towards the "Light". Our Teacher reminded us that for those who truly believe in and depend on God ( in whatever name or form we choose) he is our true `counselor' our guide and comforter. " However spiritual discipline from your early age makes this possible" not seeking world name and fame and power and influence over others. In the is the near and dear ones that can help them face their dark days and moments of hopelessness..Our teacher commented that often people of great wealth and fame and fortune are known to lose their balance and their stability at some point and that is because they perhaps do not have a spiritual anchor as a base in their lives and get carried away by the `Illusion' ( maya) of the world as true and God as untrue.
Returning to the subject of Karma : Our spiritual teacher Swami Kripamayananda Maharaj spoke about individual ' Karma' , as well as Collective Karma. Karma  is what is explained Biblically  "As you sow you reap" ..the other is the acts of one individual which can effect his family and his society. A good person brings honor and glory to his family and society while an evil one makes his family and society suffer for his actions...
On Suicide he said that it is not Love for death that drives one to suicide but Love for life.." When we do not get the life we hoped for..then people try to escape it by suicide..but Vedanta out your Karma..set yourself free from your " Karmic debts" and the picture of life will change..suicide makes your " Karmic bondage worse; are not set free". Swami K further said that the truly free were truly spiritual..they worked for the good of the world..because they did not fear death of anything that happened to them..this Love for death was often reflected in the poems of Swami Vivekananda the greatest of Vedantic teachers and also in the poem from the Katha Upanishad ( What they saw... ..where does the soul go after de...)

Our beloved spiritual Teacher Swami Kripamayananda Maharaj also spoke of the very simple rustic words of wisdom from the lives of Sri Sarada devi the spiritual mentor of thousands and the wife of the Spiritual master Sri Ramakrishna " Sri Sarada Devi or Ma Sarada advised those who complained of depression to never be without work, but that they  be constantly active because idleness led to empty thoughts and negativity..she also consoled her devotees with the words that sometimes the mind was depressed because that was its nature just like water to flow downwards, however spiritual discipline, love towards all... meditation and seeking Holy company helped us overcome depression. Her others words of consolation were that evil times and hard times do not last clouds they blow away one day..and that `bad karma' and its effects can be counter acted with good karma and true spiritual yearning, discipline and heartfelt prayer.

Sri Sarada Devi..a light of Hope and Love...
In her own life she showed is how we also take care of those loved ones who may be facing dark times in their the ancient and very spiritual tradition of India...the " Family and Mother  "takes care of her less fortunate children, they are never rejected and sent off to asylums and `institutions' as long as the mentally ill are not a physical threat to society they are treated with all the love and respect that a `normal' person is given. lets not forget that all of us maybe just a hairsbreadth away from suicide and depression if some calamity or a series of tragedies overcome us.  For those who have enjoyed great honor, adulation, fame and wealth losing it can be more unbearable than many ordinary people who have walked the middle path can imagine. being .judgmental about another persons state of mind is unfair especially since we do not know what they have to face and what the tragedies and challenges in their life may our Swami K  urged us to always have compassion and to serve others with Love and Faith and render selfless service to those we can....The Life of Sri Sarada Ma and her simple lessons of deep wisdom and spirituality are a worthy lesson to the world that tries to `Psycho analyse' the minds of those are walking through a dark tunnel but can be led to " Light and Happiness" with Love....compassion and understanding......
Cheers!: Here is a Picture that appeared in the Indian News Paper The Deccan Herald
A Muslim mother  in India with her son dressed like Sri Krishna the Hindu child God or Hindu baby " Krist"...They walk through the streets in peace..Religious harmony brings us closer to God and truth ..Not fundamentalism.