
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Whenever our people are in danger we will stand behind them Modi assures expatriates

"We live in turbulant times..wherever you are in the world remember that if you sence calamity or danger you can return home to India and we will do everything  we can to save our people irrespective of the color of your passport" said Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the cheering auditorium of more than 10000 expatriate Indians who came to the Richo Coliseum in Toronto to greet him on Wednesday April 15th 2015..Though he was obviously referring to the recent events in Yemen..his was a message of reassurance from a Fatherly leader to his people spread over the world ..every word he said was greeted with cheers and jubilation..He then called on expatriates to never forget their Mother land but to remember that someone somewhere had given up their bit or made great sacrifices for their future and their successes. He called on all people of Indian origin to always stand up for their native land and support her in whatever way they could...

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This was the View from the Richo Coliseum. Toronto As thousands of people pushed and squashed against each other at 4 in the afternoon outside the Ricoh Coliseum in Down Town Toronto I heard an elderly, white well-dressed gentleman speak out aloud." This is the kind of stuff that happens when Rock Stars show up: Wow this Prime Minister Modi must be some mega Rock Star” Meanwhile song and dance routines were breaking out in the front of the stadium  as `dholaks' ( drums) played and people chanted Modi..Modi..all that was missing was a ceremonial Elephant to complete the scene .

Under Cover security agents and Indian commandos were visible mingling in the crowds ( For me being a former crime and military beat reporter..its easy to spot them) As thousands and thousands of people from the Indo Canadian community and Canadian dignitaries all gathered outside the coliseum from 3 pm in the afternoon . 
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The RCMP, Toronto police and Secret service were all around. After the extra special security was cleared after a two or more hour wait to get in..we all watched hours and hours of Dance and song…the dances and shows were amazing and reflected the mood of India..young..energetic..colorful and bold..the auditorium was quickly filling up and then just around 8 in the evening…a hush fell over the auditorium and everybody ..10,000 strong stood up as Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India walked into the hall....The Canadian PM Stephen Harper and his wife Mrs Laureen Harper  followed him. Mrs Harper was dressed in a Black sari and looked beautiful.

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The National Anthems of both Nations were followed by a brief introduction by Stephen Harper who acknowledged PM Modi as the man who had won an election with the largest mandate in world history…PM Stephen Harper  described PM Modi as a  modern" Vishwa Guru" world teacher.and .quoted the great Swami Vivekananda the “ ishta” of Narendra Modi with the immortal words“ Arise Awake and stop Not till the goal is reached”..He said Modi .was striving for  and attaining all his Goals.. And then Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself took the stage….The man who was once a humble Tea stall owner at a railway station..who became the leader of the state of Gujarat in India and made it with his business acumen and keen intelligence one of the most prosperous states in the country.from there he won the greatest mandate in  history during the 2014 elections..which makes it a world record.

Modi does not waste time in slamming the opposition or negative political rhetoric...He talks on positivism, development, sharing of Visions and dreams and giving back. to the world and taking India forward with the right leadership skills and a Far reaching Vision.,
The Key points he made were powerful.
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  • Canada and India are natural Friends and partners. Canada's immense natural resources and Indians human resources can combine to form a powerful formula of wealth for both. ( example the  diamond industry)
  • Indian military strength makes India a powerful Allie of Canada and any other Country she supports.
  • In France, India announced that India will now produce Nuclear reactors and not depend on any country to make them. Canada will provide India with Uranium . Indian Reactors will only be for peaceful purposes because the land of Mahatma Gandhi has never till this day every been the first to strike or attack any nation in the world.( thunderous applause and shouts of Modi..Modi..)
  • Indian power is its people..India has the greatest percentage of young people in the world..65% of Indians are below the age of 35 and within 15 years by 2030 when the world's developed nations have a larger number of senior citizens than a young working force- India will be in position to provide the world, with a young, highly trained and skilled work force.
  • Since he has taken ten months. The cleaner India drive has taken to new heights. Accountability and responsibility have become a way of life in Govermentt..Rich government officers cannot have subsidies and in stead Modi will use these to help the poorest of the poor.The Ganges and Kashi are being cleaned up..people across the nation are joining hands.
  • He spoke about how his drive to provide Bank accounts to every person in the nation is succeeding and how within 10 months millions of poor people who were offered Zero balance  bank accounts across the nation loved the idea. He said.." The Poor people showed great class when they deposited their hard earned money in the Indian banks and the National Reserve rose by millions.
  • India was the first country to successfully send a Rocket to Mars that succeeded within the first attempt. The price of that Rocket's journey was less than the price of a Rickshaw ride ( per kilometer). There are only a handful of countries in the world that have had successful Mars missions.
  • His 4 point program of using the four colors of the Indian Flag to drive 4 programs:
  • Saffron ( Energy) for clean and environment friendly power such as Nuclear energy and Solar energy.
  • White : For a new white revolution in which the  Dairy industry will thrive.
  • Green : The second Green revolution of agricultural growth and excellence.
  • Blue ( the wheel) : Clean Blue skies and Oceans in India and around.
  • He recognised that Indians needed to change their mind set and look on poor people with respect and acquire the Sense of Dignity in Labor which has made great people and great countries great.Image result for ricoh coliseum modi visit

  • Modi said his development goals include increasing the number of skilled workers in the country and growing the number of entrepreneurs. Indians, he said, should be creating jobs instead of seeking them.
    He also talked about improving India's Image, saying he wants it to go from "scam India" to "skill India."
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Swami Vivekananda
"Duniya Badal Gaya..Insaan Badal Gaya" ( the world has changed and people are changing  for the better) "he said..which is a pun on a very famous  old Hindi song  which used to rant about how bad people had become the deluge of the world.. This was now changing to how there was a more Positive and creative spirit in India since he took to power
His final message almost brought tears to my eyes ( it was also an obvious dig at Stephen Harpers policies)..Modi promised and cautioned every Indian in the audience..

"Remember many events are taking place across the world..whenever you sense danger in a far away land ( such as recent events in Yemen)..return to India wherever you are..As Indians you will always be welcomed and we will not look at the color of your passports to decide whether you deserve to be rescued or not..our people are our own..we will not forsake you.

He then reminded every man and women in the audience to never forget their roots and Mother land to always think of the progress and strength of their Native land India as their own.." Do something for your country wherever you are he said. Whatever you became was because someone somewhere gave up his bit for you..some poor person had less to give you more.."
The Indian Prime Minsiter Modi stood simple…dressed elegantly and Traditionally in his light Saffron Kurta and he greeted everyone in the crowd….silver/grey hair brushed back..a smiling face ..humble yet strong..and his eyes..One thing I have noticed since my childhood is that people who are “ special’’have an incredible beautiful expression and look in their cannot be defined by is a depth..a wisdom..a compassion and a beauty that is from a source much higher than anything we are.. 
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He spoke in Hindi..never before has this language sounded so beautiful and flowing as when Modi speaks it..It creates a feeling of National pride..…and the greatest this is every words he speaks is productive..thought provoking..unique and is a sharing of ideas and accounting for everyday of his time in Public office to his people around the world.It is of dreams and visions for not just india and Indians..but her friends and partners such as Canada, US and others.
In the hall was  a large group of  Bohri Muslims..a peace loving business community that has contributed much to the Indian Sub Continent and the state of Guajarat  They enthusiastically showed their support for Modi and were proof that  those who accuse him of communal politics are wrong. The accusation is the tool of those who have their own  hidden agendas..Modi is a Global Leader..un pretentious..Down To Earth..Bold and Staright Forward,his vision is development, wealth and building a prosperous future..He speaks `To you' and not `At you'.
How do some people become Rock Star leaders and others just leaders : Swami Vivekanda once spoke about the Secrets of winning the hearts of a Million people.
A Man with such a vision can and is changing India..but also a world..Never in my life even as a full-fledged journalist back in India..had I ever been a fan of any politicians, I have covered every beat in journalism as a reporter except Politics. Yet if I had ever wanted to meet any political leader in India..they would have been Mahatma Gandhi..Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose..Lal Bahadur Shastri..Sardar Patel and yes Narendra Modi. Except for Modi..all the others lived and died before I was born..and so I am on the right track here..

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Swami Kriapamayanada Maharaj
Destiny and fate and the kindness of Swami Kripamayananda Maharaj  brought me to this event since Swami K graciously invited me as well as a few other patriots too. Swami Kripamayananda Maharaj a senior Monk who is the head of the Vedanta Society of Toronto..which is part of the Ramakrishna Mission founded by Swami Vivekananda was also a special guest at the dinner hosted in honor of Prime Minister Modi and Prime Minister Stephan Harper of Canada  The Swami said to the lucky few of us whom had  invited to the sold out event  "you love India and we all feel that Modi has the sincerity, honesty, love,skill and leadership to raise India so you are here"
I can totally relate to this Love story which is an india and Canada " special".
My parents came to Canada in the mid sixties. My Father the late Mr Kamal (Kam)  Mukherji ) was an Engineer at Foster Wheelers Canada and initiated one of the first Industrial collaborations between Canada and India in the late 60s. This was with Walchandnagar Sugar Factories where my Grand Father J P Mukherji was the Chief Executive Engineer and he along with the Walchand family visited Canada. to seal the deal. The two companies collaborate till this day though the ones who initiated the bond such as my beloved Father have passed on...
In Canada I met my life partner who is my husband and True Love: Brian..and this beautiful relationship has shown me that you can truly Love two Nations as can truly belong to the my Mother often says..Vasudev Kutumbh..The world is your Family..the Love affair between Canada and India continues in many levels..and all Love that is Honest and based on respect and shared visions and goals is true.

On my recent visit to India in 2014..I landed in India the day PM Modi was delivering a speech in Madison Square Gardens NY  ,USA.
I was so enthralled watching him on TV and seeing the changes in beloved Mother is his greatest fan and little did we both guess that less than 6 months later..I would be listening to PM Modi live in Canada...
This was my blog about him and India six months ago..the power of thoughts and the kindness of Swami Kripamayananda Maharaj brought me here yesterday :

News Update  From PM Narendra Modi's Google Profile:

This Sunday I would be visiting the Belur Math. Belur Math has a very important place in my life. It is very closely associated with Ramakrishna Paramhans and Swami Vivekananda.

Here is a picture from my most recent visit there, back in 2013.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Fundamentalists and their victims..who wins ?

Last Thursday Islamist militants attacked Garissa University College in Kenya, killing dozens of Christian students As week after week Christians are targeted by the Islamic Militia in Africa and the Middle east..History would prove that when ANY religion or faith is under actually grows stronger and not weaker..and when it seems totally helpless in the face of brute force..spiritual faith and power emerge from the ashes and the religion that is attacked actually  becomes more powerful.

In one of his lectures Swami Vivekananda the world renowned monk who founded the Ramakrishna Mission..once quoted the ancient Vedic scriptures and described how at the time of creation the universe was infused  with the spiritual truths and laws and secrets..Anyone who was tuned in..could understand them and that is why the world over ALL the great religions of the world..actually speak of the same principles of God.The prophets an incarnations of all great faiths said the same thing..yet .it is we who fight against the people of other faiths..claiming that only our way is right..when actually the pure truth is the same in every way..It is some corrupt people in power in all religions who changed the Divine laws and brought in their own pollution to the Pure words of  peace in the original faith..A fundamentalist is a fundamentalist even if their only  crime is to verbally attack other faiths from a pulpit or a TV screen. If you listen carefully their agendas are always political, power grabbing, money making and divisive. None of these preachers give an 'Ants Pants" about your spiritual well being. They either use honey laced lures of money, financial benefits, super natural or miraclulous claims to get the unsuspecting or take to the the end it's all about some kind of geographical territory somewhere in the world they are talking about..not God.

In another place and another time the Himalayan land of Tibet which is sacred to not only Buddhists but to Hindus , Jainism and other faiths of the East since ancient time came under severe attack from the Chinese government. In a recent interview with CNN The Dalai Lama exiled  leader of the Tibetans made a very interesting remark and provided some deep insight. He said that ironically those faiths and people who come under the attack of fundamentalists or governments or forces that seek to destroy them actually make them stronger . how is that possible?
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When the communist government of China attacked and began to destroy Tibetan places of worship and the followers of the faith. The faith became more spiritualized said the Dalai Lama. From rituals such a ringing of bells and burning incense the followers became masters of meditation and learned their scriptures by heart and  reserved their precious relics and treasures with more care. The people grew closer to each other and become more tight knit and  a stronger society.
From just being known as yet another spiritual leader the Dalai Lama became one of the best known  figures in the world and till today is considered to be one of the most influential living people. ( Times and Newsweek) All this thanks to Chinese attacks on their faith and people.if they had left Tibet alone..who knows what would have happened ?.
In simple words.This is how it works.There is one place the sword and the threats and the attacks of the fundamentalist cannot reach and that is the deepest corner of your heart...the sacred spaces of your mind and thoughts..Even if your sacred  images, and pictures and symbols and scriptures and life is destroyed..who you call on ( Your chosen deity) and how you call on him is between you and your God and when you are attacked..your faith and meditation will become deeper and more embedded until you are always one with your God..and that is the ultimate goal of all true be one with is those who have never seen or understood him that cry and shout and kill others claiming that their way and name is the only true way..but finally they ( The fundamentalists ) drive those they attack closer to their own path of God. Only Love attracts..not hate..not vengeance.

In a mixed marriage where two people of different faiths come together because of their mutual Love..what happens? Many beautiful things..especially Spiritually,
Image result for symbols of mixed race couplesFirst and foremost..when couple of different faiths and different races come together they have already demontrated that they have an open mind and are tolerant and not afraid to Love and experience the unknown..they are already way ahead of many other people they are not limited within narrow walls of convention or differences such as color, creed,race,or caste which means a great deal to those who have nothing else to base their self worth upon.. 
Their faiths mingle . In Truth they understand that the essence and the spiritual qualities of both their paths are actually the same :Goodness,Truth, Pure Love, unselfishness, service to the others and each other and above all Faith. Forgiveness and faithfulness come with Faith in God and their marriage becomes the path that takes them to God. 
It does not matter what you call them. What name you give their faith. How much you oppose them.and sneer at them. If their relationship is based on a deep foundation of Love and respect and understanding then  in their inner most hearts together they will make their spiritual journey an unique one... 
Like the meeting of two great streams..their thoughts and views and ideas merge..what emerges is a beautiful and deep River . Even if by chance under the belief that it is very beneficial to all if one of the partners  imposes his/ Her religious views on the other. The other partner will seek the truth deep into their hearts and actually that seeking without props or rituals....brings them face to face with the real truth and one realizes real Love and real union with God and then..all dogmatism is dissolved...if Love is true..then Spirituality becomes a living force in the marriage of a couple from different faiths....
Swami Kipamayananda Maharaj the head of the Vedanta Society of Toronto Canada often says..remember Love  and respect..all paths..but deep in your heart be faithful to your own ideal ( ishta" )which means your ideal. For a Christian his ideal ( ishta) is Christ..For the Vaishnava: Krishna..for a Shakta Durga for the followers of Sri is Thakur and Sri Ma themselves...
This " ishta Nishta " that Swami Kripamayananda Maharaj speaks about is powerful. It is Like the Pole Star that guides and leads a ship in the dark and turbulent Oceans of life..where ever you are your Ishta Nishta will lead you...So as the immortal words of the vedic scriptures says.."Like Rivers flowing into the ocean..all true paths lead to the same one God"
.Swami Ranganathan Maharaj the late president of the Ramakrishna Mission once said that a spiritual person is simple..honest..happy..unselfish..cares deeply about others and serves all as his own..
A person who is demonic will be self centered..egoistic..enjoys hurting and harming others , is driven by jealousy and competition and basically lives only for themselves..The Universe revolves around them..not others..

All over the world history has shown that those people and faiths that have come under repeated attacks have grown stronger and more protective over the religious beliefs.
The Jews and Israel is one of the best examples. Though Hitler and History has tried unsuccessfully to obliterate them repeatedly today the tiny country of Israel is one of the strongest and smartest in the world and the Jewish people are respected for their intelligence, Their business acumen , their technology and development in all fields and also their military acumen.
Christians in the early days and now again in Africa and the Middle East were victimized , beheaded and even fed to the lions.. today they are spread in every country on the Earth and the great and noble work of missionaries such as Mother Teresa are respected and acknowledged by the people of all faiths. Though there are fundamentalists and haters amongts the Christians too..the overwhelming good done by the likes of Brother Lawrence, St Franscis of Assisi ,the Apostles and many prophets  and true saints dwarfs the evil actions and propaganda of the fanatics in the faith who preach the opposite of what Christ taught.

India has been the hunting ground  of invaders from ancient times and yet this land home of the Vedas of Hinduism and  Buddhism..of Jainism and to the likes of Swami Vivekananda , Sri Ramakrishna and Mahatma Gandhi and some of the earliest spiritual traditions known to the world. India.has withstood attacks time and time again and the ancient faith has grown stronger and not weaker..even when attacked from forces within she has lived such story is that of the legendary Mira bai.

Image result for images of  mira bai. India will never forget the beautiful and saintly Rajput  Princess Meera who became immortal because her love for her God was so great that no threat of death or earthly shackles could keep her from her love for her God.
Born in about 1498 in Merta , Rajasthan. MiraBai was known as a soft-spoken, mild-mannered, gifted, sweet, and beautiful princess who sang with a melodious voice.
She was reputed to be one of the most extraordinary beauties of her time with fame spreading to several kingdoms and provinces.
When she was just four years of age, she manifested her deep devotion to Krishna. Her spiritual life began in her childhood.
Mirabai was  known for the incomparable beauty of the poems and bhajans she composed and sang in devotion to her beloved god, Krishna. Born in Rajasthan in 1500 AD, she was married against her will to a prince of Chittor, near the fabled city of Udaipur. Her life was marred by persecution as she struggled to manifest her ardent desire to compose, sing and pursue spiritual studies. Though she was renowned for her talent, her family felt she was bringing dishonour by not behaving the way a courtly lady should — and they tried to poison and drown her.

Mirabai and Krishna, IndiaMirabai escaped and travelled widely, journeying across country to Vrindavan and Mathura, playground of Krishna, and to Dwarka in Gujarat, site of an important Krishna temple. Eventually, a deputation of men from Chittor found her in Dwarka, but before they could abduct her, she disappeared while singing in the temple. All that was found was her sari, draped around the Krishna murti.
Many legends swirl around the myth Mirabai. It was said a sadhu (holy man) gave her a tiny statue of Krishna when she was a child, and that was when her love for the god was born. Her in-laws the royal family did not approve of her piety and devotion when she refused to worship their family deity, Tulaja Bhawani (Parvati). The Godess worshipped by the Warrior clans. She was married to Bhoj Raj,  The king ruler of Chittor. . In 1521, Meera's husband  the king died in a battle.
Her father-in-law, Rana Sanga, respected and protected Meera Bai but died a few years later and Meera was then persecuted by the rest of her in-laws. She found  her God Krishna to be her only support and resisted the wishes of her in-laws to give up her worship. Her grief turned into a passionate spiritual devotion that inspired in her countless poems drenched with separation and longing.
Image result for images of  mira baiMeera's love for Krishna was at first a private thing but at some moments it overflowed into an ecstasy that led her to sing and dance in public with others who shared her religious zeal. She would quietly leave the Chittor fort at night and join Satsangs (religious get-togethers) in the town below. This did not fit the expected behaviour of a Rajput princess and widow.
Her brother-in-law, the new ruler of Chittor, Vikramaditya, was reportedly a cruel youth and strongly objected to Meera's devotion, her mixing with commoners and her lack of feminine modesty. Vikramaditya made several attempts to kill Meera and her sister-in-law,
There are a number of popular beliefs asserting that Meera's brother-in-law Vikramaditya, , tried to harm Meera :It was said she survived attempts to take her life through divine intervention: poison turned to nectar, a bed of blades turned to petals. It was said Emperor Akbar came to hear her, in disguise as a sadhu.
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  • She gave up her position as a princess and spent her time in temples of Krishna singing and praying to him and mixing with the poor and ragged followers of her God..
The Royal family again tried to bring her back by force..she begged for a last night in the temple and when they opened the doors the next morning ..she had disappeared forever..
centuries have passed. The cruel Royal family is forgotten but the legend of the saintly princess lives on in India till this day..her songs and hymns are sung all over the land..Today, Mirabai is considered one of the great female saints of India and her songs are still sung. Moreover, there have been hundreds of songs composed in her honour and there are festivals devoted to her that take place around the time of Dusshera in Rajasthan

Image result for images of  krishna bhagwad gitaThis finally brings us to the immortal promise of God in the Bhagwad Gita..

  "Think of me...meditate on me...still your self in me and finally you will come to me..

            Thanks to those who hate us..attack us...try to destroy our faith and our sacred monuments.who  try to take away our most loved ones from us...who condemn us because they are afraid of our fearlessness.we will all get to that state of oneness sooner or later !

Acknowledgements : Google images, Wikipedia, CNN, and ISKCON and Divine Life websites.
Also read :

and finally from Learning Mind:
A Thought to Think over