
Monday, July 20, 2015

A chance encounter with world renowned singer Atmarama Das..The Celestial Musician of the Vaishnavas

Image result for atmarama dasa It is not everyday that you walk into a room where a World renowned singer, musician and composer is seated just a table away from you..
One whose music, songs and life story you have admired from far far away for a long long  time and  that this Super star actually looks up and smiles at you.
.. and then you  walk over to him and have a conversation and share some thoughts and music and moments of deep spirituality that will be a beautiful memory to carry in  your life forever. That Super star is no other than Atmarama Dasa.. Singer, Musician and Composer who has played for Presidents and Kings and received awards from the President of India  himself.
This Artist represented India as a renowned musician at world events  He was In China a few years ago for his first performance in the Communist country. He recalls how his spontaneous singing of  `Hari Naam' at the Great Wall of China took him to nearly Rock Star status so amazing was the response from the Chinese people . 
Since then he is a regular visitor to China as he is other parts of the world  where he has hundreds of ardent fans who have taken to  the Vaishnava  way of spiritual Life through him.." Their spiritual hunger is so great and they love the message of India's great spiritul heritage"..."We visit China as teachers of Yoga since Krishna is the Great Lord Yogeshwara. We impart spiritual truths in the strangest of settings and they want more and more".
Atmaramadasa spends six months of the year on spiritual concert tours around the world and the other six months in Vrindavan India where he says he gets his
 " Spiritual energy and inspiration from his life of austerity according to the teachings of Bhakti Vedanta. ".Because of my life in Vrinadavan I can give  to others "he says...Leading a life of deep spirituality combined with his love for music and compositions he  has attracted thousands of people to  the simple, gentle and Loving way of the Vaishnava path..   " Vrindavan is not an ordinary place.It is holy ground infused with the thoughts and presence of God. For the last 30 years I have lived there as his devotee and He who is all Fame! All Glory! All wealth all Simplicity, Beauty and Love ( Sat Chit Ananda) has filled my life with his blessings..I have never tried to Market myself or seek anything.  I do his work! He does the rest.' He said to me..
What makes  all this more special is that this amazing man was born in Spain..into a Military family that was Catholic in faith and he had everything a person could want in the material world..As a young man who was extremly handsome and popular he walked away from the Materialistic and pleasure driven life of Europe to find his own Truth and path in far away Vrindavan in India..He was inspire by the teachings of Sri Prabhupad and he has shown many the way that he has chosen.(.Official web site of Atmarama Dasa -
My chance meeting with Sri  Atmaramadas took place last Thursday the 16th of July 2015 just a few days before the Festival of India in Toronto. I was  down town  and thought of stopping by the ISKCON center on Avenue road , Rosedale, which was the Hub center of most of the preparations.
I had barely stepped into the building and entered the huge hall  when someone came up to me with a huge smile  and asked me if I would volunteer down in the Kitchen to help prepare the Food for thousands of people . Every year during the Festival of India  ISKCON cooks and  distributes food free to all visitors at the island as part of the celebration . This is the Holy tradition of the Vaishnavas as well as the hospitality of India .
Of course I said yes to volunteering..why not.?.Is it not part of our Indian culture to give and  serve others.
Image result for atmarama dasa
Before I could say " Jai Jagganth" I found myself in the Huge Kitchen in the basement with almost ten smiling strangers. A few minutes later, net on hair and apron around waist I was chopping potatoes like an expert  and chatting with everyone in the room like I knew them from a long long time..
At 6 pm after the `Arati 'upstairs all the volunteers were invited to break with Maha Prasad.( which is sanctified dinner) .and thats where I saw him..seated just a table away from humble and simple in his white Dhoti and Cover..gentle airs or pretentions of a Super star..just an affectionate smile and kindly glance at all.   He saw my Namaste of respect and smiled..when everyone had left he smiled again. I approached him nervously and humbly introduced myself and told him I was a great fan of his music..I began to name my favorite songs.. : Radhe Radhe Govinda : Gopinath..: Yugaitam: Ceto Darpanam:Kibo Jaya..( All Sanskrit names)
Atmaramadas was as happy as a child to see a real fan who knew his music and laughed and smiled He asked me to wait since he had some new albums with him.
A few minutes later he came back with a collection of his latest album's and invited me to listen to some of his songs from his own ear phones. You can imagine the state of my mind and the level of happiness I felt..

I heard the tune of his new album  Mahamantra A Fusion of East and West from his own IPhone and I was mesmerized..

The beauty of his music is that he brings in the haunting tones of his Flamenco/ Spanish Guitar and his Golden melodious voice creates  music that fuses  the 5000 year old devotional hymns of the Vaishnava hymns of India with that of his Spanish is incredible..

The sacred Vaishnava hymns composed by ancient Indian seers mingles with his own unique music which is a composition and fusion of fluid East and West..and which is not only universal it just conveys the feeling of Love, gentleness, peace and harmony that  transcends borders  of, language...race, religion  and is the universal language of Love. 

His music takes us to another level..His voice is deep and beautiful and haunts you for a long long time..( In The You Tube video Radhey Radhey Govinda you can see how he sings below a tree and beasts and birds come up to him on their own accord)

. I ask him for the new album and he presents it to me and signs it with the words..To Lipi with Love from Atmarama dasa.." I am deeply moved..

True Devotees understand each other he says Because those who Love God automatically feel Love and recognition towards others who truly do the same..they feel that they are meeting members of their own family and are not there to take anything or seek anything for themselves.
"The attraction that devotees feel for one another and which takes us to Krishna ( Godward) is from him"says Atmarama dasa "the attraction that takes people downwards and entangles them in evil action and addictions is the opposite of that pure Love "he says.

Those extraordinary artists like Atmaramadas who have lived that life of true Love for their God..need no proof of who they are..their work and their music and their way of life and their humility  and personification of that love for God and spirituality carries them far and above us all and their legacy lives on forever in their immortal work.

"The love for Krishna ...or Christ ..One and the same...Those who truly love God understand one another.They don't fight over names or indulge in condemning other people's Paths or scriptures...It is a journey of pure love and nonviolence expressed as a way of life in kindness and tolerance and expression through music or  writing or some art or gifting that reflects the spiritual thought in their soul.." When God gifts you with something unique which gives happiness and joy and peace to know that you have to use it for is his..not ours.." he said.
I said to him that unfortunately, I have seen many local Temple singers in the various temples in and around Toronto who may only be known in a single community or temple or amongst a few hundred people at the most a thousand...However, their vanity, self importance, and egoistic nature could drive people away from God instead of bringing people closer to him. I had great respect and appreciation for their music but will frankly state that once their beautiful music was done they turned vicious pretty fast to anyone who did not treat them like Royalty....I was actually afraid of the "scary breed of " temple singers "my personal experience has been so bad".I told him. "Some of them set fellow devotees and other temple members against anyone who does not treat them like royalty or they personally disliked "I said.." One powerful, vain woman of this group is almost a "Jekyll and Hyde character 'in her mood swings and personal attacks on people who do not ' Play the game her way "and all because they were temples singers..There are many talented and gifted people from all walks of life..scientists, painters, artists, poets, writers and other giftings in and around but you don't see them behave like this.." whats with the singers ?"I asked.
Atmaramadas  shook his head with sadness and replied that if we truly Loved God and our fellow beings and  were devotees who created music for him and were not in there for ourselves , for selfish motives..the outcome would have been pure Love and non-violence and not hatred, anger or enmity and viciousness .."God and hate cannot go together" He said.It does not fit.
He looked at me compassionately and said.." Krishna will always protect you from your enemies if you depend on only him. He will also bring you to the right persons you are supposed to meet..devotees and seekers who respect and love him and one another..We meet because we are supposed to meet..I truly believe that.
I looked at Atmaramadas..a man adored by thousands and thousands of people yet simple and so humble sitting on the floor crossed legged in a simple white dhoti..with an open and child like smile.speaking to strangers with no false pride or pretensions...just unbelievable how down to earth someone so famous could be..I feel so blessed to have met  Atmaramadas a  person so gifted and extraordinary as him..a legend in his life time.. .meeting wonderful people in life..blesses us in many unseen ways..they represent something so high and full of Light and Truth that our lives become more meaningful..They pull us up and never push us down.! 

He then asked me again when and where we had met before..?

Image result for atmarama dasa picturesI recalled that It was the year summer evening In July just like this one I had visited the ISKCON centre to spend time alone  in the Prayer hall .and .that evening just like on this ..someone invited me to the Govinda Hall where he Atmarama Das and his beautiful American born wife Krishnapriya were performing together.

Krishnapriya is an exponent in the Odissi form of Indian classical dance and often accompanies him on his world tours. 
I never forgot Atmaramadas's beautiful voice and his pure music and would often listen to his songs on You Tube in the years that followed..whenever I visited the ISKON center I would some how or the other..think of that evening and his music always..
I told him that whenever I am sad or depressed..his devotional songs such as `Gopinath' and `Radhey Radhe Govinda 'cheer me up..he told me that many devotees have told him that Radhey Radhey Govinda is a song that can stir them to deep holds a special power..
He showed me a picture of himself with Grammy award nominee and Internationally nenowned `Kirtan-wallah' Krishna Das (Jeffrey Kagel) taken at the Bahamas a few weeks ago. 
Krishna Das had hugged Atmaramadas and told him how inspired he was by his music. Any Google search on Atmarama Das brings up the name of Krishna Das their music is so similar yet each is unique..
Atmaramdas conveys a gentleness and softness that is unparralel..the strumming of his Guitar makes it a mix of Country music of the West combined with Bhakti of the East.." I have a mission in my life to spread peace and love for God through my music" he told me.."my message is that of divine peace alone.." he said.
Atmaramdas can never be described as new age..he belongs to a 5000 year old tradition of Bhakti and he and his music are ageless..
Atmaramdas  performed for a small private audience at the Ayurvedic Rituals center at Bathurst on Wednesday evening.6.30 pm. I was very fortunate to be invited too..
His performances are unique. He narrates parables and gives us the spiritual meaning behind the `Slokas" and verses he sings and he says.." My music is not just about enjoyment and having a good is for serious spiritual seekers, because the message of Krishna Bhakti is a way of life..
Image result for images of singer atmarama dasSome gems from his short teachings during the performance.
  • : "Material life is dualistic..words have no power. just uttering the words Water Water cannot quench your thirst..but in spiritual life if you sincerely call the name of get him..that is why the Mahamantra has been mentioned in the Bhagwad Gita as the greatest of all Mantras it creates the love of God in you..and takes you towards him
  • About Love : Krishna is the embodiment of Love..but it is not a carnal Love..a spiritual one..if you are a true devotee and seek Krishna he gives you that Love which can attract all the good in the world to you..Krishna was so attractive that everything and everyone sought him..his parents..his friends..the birds and animals..Radhey his beloved..who is eternal and he transformed all those who came to him spiritually.
  • He is Satchitananda. Purity, Truth and Bliss..those who fill them selves with the Love of God are very content and need very little to satisfy them selves..when you need something excessively whether it is Money.. clothes, food, worldly enjoyments , Drugs, alcohol, carnal fulfillment...Worldly love..attention....possessions false enjoyments it is a sign that you have an emptiness which can only be filled with his love.You are spiritually empty.
  • Earthly Love is selfish and ends in bitterness and harms.When you have spiritual Love for your spouse, your parents..your friends and all you will never end..but grows stronger..You bless each other
  • On spiritual discipline and modesty..Use only what you need and don't hoard..the more you utilize for your own self..the more you deny others..He spoke about the poverty he had seen and experienced in his own Life in cities like Vrindavan in India  and paused as his voice choked with emotion he then said  " Krishna took care of my most difficult times." A person can survive on so make your needs as simple as possible.Simple Living and High Thinking..
  • Spiritual beauty needs no dress Botox. No expensive jewelry or possession. The closer you are too God..the less outward you will be..
  • Don't waste your endless material and selfish pursuit. Seek the will find a deep inner peace and be a source of blessing to others.He strummed his guitar and sang some beautiful somgs including Yashomati Nandana,Sri Guru Ashtokam and the Mahamantra.The music was all composed by him.
He  lead the group in Kirtan which is a devotional music tradition from India dating back hundreds of years. The lead singer sings a verse in praise of God and the crowd repeats it becomes a beautiful union where the singer..the audience and their God all unite in music..It was a beautiful experience.
Andrea who runs the Ayurvedic Rituals Spa at the Annexe  has studied and  practiced Ayurveda since the last 22 years and has just started her own clinic where she uses ancient herbal medicine and oils to cure stress and related problems. She was very hospitable and welcoming to her guests.She is also of Spanish Heritage and loves India which she has visited many many times.
.Earlier that week back to helping in the kitchen with all the other volunteers I got invited to the 12 hour Kirtan at the center on July the 17th .( Non stop music in praise of Krishna a tradition that dates back thousands of years in India)

I managed to get there in the later three hours of Friday night and  The Kirtan it was so powerful..Hundreds of devotees sat around the Musicians and singers who played on various instruments from the Tabla ( drums) to the Flute. and Guitar The Main singers many of whom are world renowned within the Kirtan community would each  sing for about an hour or more would carry the devotional music and hymns to a level that is beyond words and thoughts..
The singers and musicians hailed from many Nations and races..all as one  in the name of Krishna..A true devotee of God will say. the message of both Christ and Krishna are one so why quarrel.?.let us sing and laugh and Love,,it is not about is about him alone..

As the Night ended and devotees showered rose petals on the singers and the listeners and the room throbbed with song and devotional dance and the Names of God..there was something so magical that the only feeling left was that of Love..a divine Love not only for those who are truly ours, like our Mother and Father...our life partner..our teachers and our true friends..and we can almost feel a Love for those we do not even know...yet.
.I think of Brian my  darling husband who is at work and I wish he was here to hear this..after all our  Love  is surely a gift from God..I plan to bring him to a music fest that fuses East and West oneday soon. As a lover of Music he would truly appreciate that..I Think of my Mother in far away India and I think of my close friends, my family and my pets and my special childhood friend Radhika and Nitu back in Pune India..some people are always connected to each other through time and space.. 
.Atmaramadas leaves Toronto on the next leg of his International tour. He will return again next year in July. Wherever he goes he leaves the beautiful sounds of his soulful divine compositions and songs as a reminder of that unseen place which we have not yet seen..but which we have heard of through his ethereal is like an echo of some divine sound that beckons you to go Higher and higher and higher....the strumming of his guitar..his soul stirring musical voice ,.his enchanting smile....His sweet, humble and charming nature that draws all ..whether young and old from all walks of life towards him and finally to God. 
That divine music will echo in my heart and fill my thoughts with that of him who is known as Krishna to some...and  Christ to others and Ramakrishna who echoed the words of the ancient  Vedas.." Truth is one..Sages call it by Different names"....

The songs of Atmarama das which are my favorite include but are not limited to :Radhey Radhey Govinda. Gopinath.Ceto Darpana.Yugaitam ,Kibo Jaya and more..

Image result for atmarama das songsVideo for atmarama das songs radhey govinda

Image result for atmarama das songs