
Thursday, September 26, 2013

A Class on Transcendental Meditation..Fearlessness and letting go of old wounds..Vedanta and Swami Vivekananda

So we are back ..the class at the Vedanta Society of Toronto..our numbers are growing bit by bit..this week Neel , Devesh and Divyan and our much respected and loved Dr Meneka Rajasingham a  renowned physician and senior committee member of the temple rejoined the group..

Last week our teacher Reverend Swami Kripamayananda Maharaj..( Swami K ) president of the Vedanta society of Toronto read passages on Miracles from Raja Yoga by Swami Vivekananda. This week we went one step further in understanding what is Samadhi ( Transcendental meditation)  and how we get there..( Chapter 3 aphorism 10)

Picture of Swami Vivekananda .

" The main thing is not just control of the mind " explained Swami K, "it is directing the mind towards God. This can only come through regular practice and discipline and also by practicing renunciation.." 
Renunciation is not packing up our bags, kissing our families goodbye and heading for the hills and forests,but according to Vedanta it is giving up this strong attachment to worldly bonds..the greed for wealth and possessions, this  extreme attachment to friends, family and pleasures..the mad desire for name and fame...the ruthless competiveness of the world...

How does one get there? someone asked.." The more you practice meditation and keep spiritual will find that the bonds and the attraction for worldly things decrease " explained Swami K....

So what is Holy Company..?  asked another student .."it can be the association of good people..the people who like to speak of  and discuss spiritual matters. People others and indulge in noble can be a book or a maybe a beautiful place that is associated with the thought of God and it can be the company of those who have dedicated their lives to God and who inspire and influence those who come to them in a very spiritual and positive way.. Finally when your own inner life and desire for something higher blooms....then the Bee ( holy company) will come to you by itself.." explained our Swami K.
This lead to a discussion on what is " holy" ?.." There maybe people who never stepped into a temple or called on God...but they are extremely noble and even fearless of death.." said Swami K . He gave the examples of men and women who face death fearlessly ." death stalks us day and night and yet we all believe that we will not die. Fearlessness of death is a spiritual quality. Not this clinging on and fearing its call" said Swami K.
"Swami Vivekananda often mentioned death in his poems..not because it is a dark idea..but because unless you conquer its cannot become fearless.." explained Swami K..
" When you lose the fear of death you work harder and give life your best shot..because you know that each day maybe your last " .

Going back to  the subject of Samadhi , Swami  explained how once the mind is fixed on what we understand as God..whether a name..  a divine form .or the formless..keeping the mind  there unwaveringly for  a long period of Samadhi.

The inevitable questions on..Is God to be meditated upon as formless or as a particular image God a name or a form..or a quality ? and Swami K expanded on it..

" It is almost impossible to blank out the mind and then say..this is God..God is not a blank space..if you want to meditate on the formless..then the expanse of the Ocean..the limitless sky..or the guide..if you want a form then chose the one that appeals to you the some the others Durga..The ' ishta' is the chosen we talk about..think about..worship and sing to..meditating on the "Ishta" is the easiest because we know the Ishta so well..".
Swami K then read some paragraphs from a book written by the late Swami Sarvagathananda (  Vedanta society of Boston USA ) which is an explanation of Swami Vivekananda's Complete Works.

Swami Sarvagathananda says that while formless worship is considered the highest state or goal..when the aspirant does not need any props or images or pictures to conceive on or meditate on God..all steps ( needing props and images) are to be respected as steps in the right direction....He also said that meditating on God as a self luminous screen is a form of meditation..Finally there was a reading on Transcendental meditation by Swami Sarvagathanda in the same book.. The beautiful example of  a `Loch' in a canal or river was explaining how the mind can be brought up to a higher level. The Swami explained it beautifully and simply by describing how the ship ( mind) is at a lower level and then water ( meditation and spirituality) fills  up the space until it rises to the level of the rising river..and so on..until it reaches the great Lake..where it is lifted up finally to the level of the great lake ( God) and then the mind merges in Samadhi..I  personally have never ever heard of such a powerful example..

The final nuggets to carry us not just through the week but through life came from our Swami Kripamayananda maharaj . These were :" Meditation.can sometimes throw up memories of long ago childhood..and other times.some of these thoughts are not pleasant..
don't hold on grudges and wounds from the past..let them go...holding on is not contusive to spiritual growth."
Other gold nuggets : " Don't be afraid of your you meditate many thoughts come is like washing an Ink pot..the more pure water you pour..the more black ink spills out..That is good...let it all spill out and come out until you are cleansed..."..
" we have many impressions from early childhood and other lives..our goal is to get rid of all these and become free..meditation and spiritual practice help us on the way..."

This food for our soul was followed by food for the tummy..
Highlights..Lentil soup, field cucumber curry..Bombay Bhel puri and papadams..
Lowlights..No such word.!

On another note was in the Rosedale area  earlier this week and heard some beautiful music as I walked by the ISKCON centre..stopped by and heard an unknown monk  of the temple speaking to a group of young people....caught some sentences which I liked... He defined the character of a true   spiritual aspirant  as being Very duplicity or pretentiousness in their character...
One pointed and focused in what their spiritual goals are in life..
Always loving spiritual conversations and company..
Humble ( The unknown Monk defined that as a person who never expects anything from anyone..but just gives  his life to serve others..without being a doormat).
A person who cannot take a wrong step in strongly is his character embedded in what is good and noble. Loved the definition..sharing it with you..

Have a  wonderful week friends. We hope to be at the class again next Wednesday..


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