
Thursday, May 1, 2014

" The Hippie" who claimed that Hindus could use Drugs led to a deeper study of Raja Yoga . The findings on " Spiritually ecstasy" ? Read more..

Also The Power of Mantras..the meaning of `'Samadhi and the `elixir' Diet of the spiritual aspirants..How a Western Writer Created the `misconception' that Samadhi and super natural powers is the result of Drugs..

In the late Sixties or seventies during the ' Hippie Movement' An American citizen who was charged with possession of narcotic Drugs pleaded that he was a Hindu and his religion allowed him to use ' drugs'. The American High Court  requested a renowned and respected Hindu monk who knew the entire Hindu texts in detail to confirm whether that was true. The Monk who was the Revered Swami Sarvagathananda Maharaj late president of the Vedanta Society of Boston USA stated that  No where in the vast and ancient Hindi scriptures which are the oldest known Spiritual  texts known to mankind has the use of ' drugs' been prescribed as a spiritual exercise. The ' Hippie' quoted `Raja Yoga' as his source..and the Swami refuted that statement and gave the court a lesson in Sanskrit, Spirituality and the meaning of the entire aphorism. On April 23 , 2014, a small group of students of Vedanta led by the esteemed spiritual Head Swami Kripamayananda Maharaj of the Vedanta Society of Toronto studied the Raja Yoga chapter 4 and analyzed that very aphorism that had created so much of controversy and caused ' Hi jinks' in the Western world...
  Background :As in ever field whether Scientific , Athletic or Artistic, Perfection comes through extreme discipline, self effort and focus. It does not come by fluke or by the use of Narcotics.   
`Samadhi' is a spiritual state of perfection beyond description. In almost every religious scripture there is a beautiful, profound and detailed description of what the spiritual masters experienced and saw when their heart and souls merged with God...From India the book Ramakrishna The Great Master about Sri Ramakrishna who was one of the most recent Great spiritual masters of this age..great details of his spiritual discipline and his extraordinary visions is described ..and that has also been the experience of the incarnations of other paths.. It is a  Super Spiritual state when the soul of the aspirant and his God merged in one during meditation. Those who experience Samadhi also attain the eight supernatural powers . However the true aspirants shun these powers. All true spiritual masters in in every culture have experienced Samadhi. It  cannot be faked..Sri Ramakrishna often said that there were certain signs which indicated that a person had truly had that experience..whether he had reallly met and experienced God or not..Only a true Spiritual Master could recognize the signs .Not every one had it and it is  almost the final result, the culmination of deep meditation, spiritual discipline and devotion and intense Love. Yet No Other spiritual path has ever described the experience of Samadhi as often and as vividly as the ancient Vedic scriptures  of India have. The seers or `Rishis' of India since ancient times..spoke about that Super Spiritual state when the soul of the aspirant and his God merged in one..Theirs was the outcome of a Life time of discipline, austerity, Love and intensity.. yet there were always disbelievers just as there are in every path..jesus meditating photo: Jesus Meditating with the spirit jesus.jpg
 In Raja Yoga about Patanjali's Yoga aphorisms chapter 4 , Independence which means here the soul standing alone :There  is one word in one sentence which was mistranslated/ mis interpreted  by an over zealous Western Translator in the early 1900's who could not read Sanskrit. This mis- interpretation led to the confusion and accusation that the Vedic/ Hindu spiritual masters probably used drugs. 
This is that Sentence in Sanskrit and its 'mis' translation in English.
जन्मौषधि-मन्त्र-तपः-समाधिजाः सिद्धयः ॥१॥

Western Translation/ Interpretation 1. The Siddhis (powers) are attained by birth, chemical means, power of words, mortification, or concentration. 
1) By Birth we mean the belief in reincarnation. We believe in reincarnation because we believe that God is a Just and Equal and impartial God and when he is so why is it that one man suffers intensely in this life and another one is born into a wonderful world as a King...that gives us the law of Karma and taking responsibility for what you are and what you want to be..We carry that fruit of Karma from Life to Life though we were all created as perfect to begin with. Finally everyone must go back to that divinity and perfection and oneness with God to become free of the cycle of birth and death. The Vedas say A person takes birth according to his ' Karmic' actions in his past life ..good action leads to good birth and tendencies and bad actions to a ' Bad start' which can be rectified with better actions down the line. (( Each of us can dig ourselves out of our hole if we really wish to do so)Those who have spiritual and Noble tendencies carry them into their next lives and are born in a home or environment which enables them to succeed again in their spiritual quest..or Life's call..
The  second point centers around the word औषधि
( Aushadi)actually means natural and fresh Herbs. Such as Plants , Roots and Fresh fruits and vegetables and medicinal spices that conduct to good health and assist the aspirant in his goal of austerity and discipline. It does not mean Narcotics by any yard stick. Any language search tool will show that the Sanskrit word `Aushadi' means curative, healing,  roots and  medicinal, fresh herbal plants and crops with curative, health giving and healing properties...( such as Tumeric, Safforn, Holy Basil, Fresh whole grains and seasonal Fruits, nuts, Neem, Honey etc) ( often mentioned by Dr Oz) and a part of India's ancient Ayurveda treasure chest. The sentence means ' in-taking pure, food helps in good health which is an asset for a spiritual aspirant.
The third point was Mantra :Mantra means a Mystic syllable or Holy word ( formula) holding great power. The name of God is very powerful. All the Prophets of all great paths have said that the name of God whether Christ or Krishna is the most powerful word. Hindus since ancient times have protected and held the Holy names of God ( who is one but has many names, forms and incarnations with qualities )and the mystic syllables attached with them as very sacred. In every religious path there is a special ceremony which is know as Baptism by the Christians, Mantra Diksha by the Hindus , Navjote ( New Fire) by the Zorastrians, Bar Mitzva by the Jewish people and so on...Here a Spiritual master transmits spiritual energy and ' Anointing" to the seeker ..this ceremony dates back to most ancient times. The Hindus believe that constant repetition of God's name ( Mantra) with devotion and faith awakens the Good and positive energy within you, it protects you and blesses you always.It gives wisdom, strength and leads one God-ward towards the true Light...The name is given to you by the Spiritual Teacher who is known as Guru in Sanskrit.
That bring us to the topic of  Guru which literally means The One who takes us out of Darkness and despair into the Light . However there is a Sath ( True Guru) and an A- Sath ( false teacher). A true spiritual mentor takes one God-ward and a false one can destroy the aspirant with false ideologies and dangerous spiritual doctrines that can be destructive to both the aspirant and the people around him.Wherever there is hate, violence, destruction and dogmatism in the name of religion it comes from a false teacher or false Guru.
Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa
Finally Samadhi is the highest spiritual experience which is merging with God in deep meditative states while the Body is till alive.The Yogis are Spiritual masters and not Yoga 
( as physical Yoga) exponents. Discipline, practice, self control and austerity are part of any spiritual effort. 
Re visiting this one Word औषधि in the Sanskrit language that got mis translated by an over zealous Western writer in history and that has led to great ' misconception on the spiritual path and goals of Hinduisms by its critics in the West . They accused the Hindus of experiencing ' Samadhi ' under the influence of drugs and narcotics..which is as far from truth as it gets. Like all great spiritual paths Hinduism and Vedanta teach great personal discipline where alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, and even drinking Tea and Coffee and eating meat is often prohibited.
Vedanta Society of Toronto
In the Class on Raja Yoga at the Vedanta Society of Toronto Canada a small group of students under the guidance of The reverend Swami Kripamayananda Maharaj who is the head of the Vedanta Society of Canada ..we study the complete works of Swami Vivekananda and study that particular Aphorism with a scientific  view. We put forward the original Sanskrit with the English to show how words are ' Manipulated' or Misinterpreted and so distort their true meaning. Also present in our class is Professor Kumar Murty  world renowned mathematician , chair person at the department of mathematics in Toronto and teacher of Vedanta who was also  a cherished student of the late Swami Sarvagathananda maharaj. When not travelling the globe he  joins us in the discussions.We are referring to the treatise by the late Swami Sarvagathananda Maharaj who explains the works of Swami Vivekananda in relevance to both the East and the West and in a way that relates to ALL faiths. It is Swami Sarvagathananda Maharaj who was once called to an American high Court to give testimony and verify whether the Hindu scriptures have recommended use of ' drugs' anywhere . He had stated that Hinduism stands on great self discipline and self sacrifice and drugs are not part of our spiritual expereince . Words are twisted out of context and used and misused by those who like to interpret things in their own way..The esteemed Swami then explained the aphorism and the word in detail with the correct meaning..

 We in the class then went on to a deeper discussion of what the `super natural states' which have been witnessed in many devotee crowd gatherings of many  religious faiths  .This is an externally controlled state where a person claiming to be a ' prophet or God Man' controls the psychic power of the individual. The  power here is not obtained by self discipline and so it also leads to great weakness and mental instability in the long run since the person who experiences is is under the control of someone else and he has not achieved it by self effort where he cannot control the experience himself.  
Many genuine devotees base their faith totally on these experiences and as discussed in the article ( dangers of Super Natural Powers on this blog site) actually come to long term harm. Here are some websites that are quite controversial, They are not endorsed by Vedanta or this writer..but to be fair to all views they give some interesting study on the phenomena of super natural powers to control people seen in many places of worship around the world in recent times and also confirm the study we have been making on the phenomena of supernatural powers and how they are used and misused..As Vedantist we are open to even listening to the voices of critics who do not fully understand or have very little information about our faith or Sri Ramakrishna, since this is a Study that is made with an open mind and scientific  and courageous approach. The websites Hindu Gurus and-charismastics( or google it) Here again many misinterpretations, about the word ' Guru and Raja Yoga but some of the points raised are what the ancient texts warn about supernatural powers)

Below is Printed the Original passage and explanation from Raja Yoga by Swami Vivekananda and additions by the Western translator whose translation led to " Many Happy and High Times for a ' Special group".. The English explanatory text below was written by an unknown American student who accompanied Swami Vivekananda:
                                              PATANJALI'S YOGA APHORISMS
                                                           CHAPTER IV

Swami Vivekananda
  "Sometimes a man is born with the Siddhis,  ( Supernatural powers), of course, those he had earned in his previous incarnation. This time he is born, as it were, to enjoy the fruits of them. It is said of Kapila, the great father of the Sankhya philosophy, that he was a born Siddha, which means literally a man who has attained to success and perfection from his Birth.The Western Translator :The Yogis claim that these powers can be gained by `external' means. All of you know that chemistry originally began as alchemy; men went in search of the philosopher's stone and elixirs of life, and so forth. In India there was a sect called the Rāsāyanas. Their idea was that idealism, knowledge, spirituality, and religion were all very right, but that the body was the only instrument by which to attain to all these. If the body came to an end every now and again, it would take so much more time to attain to the goal. For instance, a man wants to practice Yoga, or wants to become spiritual. Before he has advanced very far he dies. Then he takes another body and begins again, then dies, and so on. In this way much time will be lost in dying and being born again. If the body could be made strong and perfect, so that it would get rid of birth and death, we should have so much more time to become spiritual. So these Rasayanas say, first make the body very strong. They claim that this body can be made immortal. Their idea is that if the mind manufactures the body, and if it be true that each mind is only one outlet to the infinite energy, there should be no limit to each outlet getting any amount of power from outside. Why is it impossible to keep our bodies all the time? We have to manufacture all the bodies that we ever have. As soon as this body dies, we shall have to manufacture another. If we can do that, why cannot we do it just here and now, without getting out of the present body? The theory is perfectly correct. If it is possible that we live after death, and make other bodies, why is it impossible that we should have the power of making bodies here, without entirely dissolving this body, simply changing it continually? They also thought that in mercury and in sulphur was hidden the most wonderful power, and that by certain preparations of these a man could keep the body as long as he liked. Others believed that certain drugs could bring powers, such as flying through the air. Many of the most wonderful medicines of the present day we owe to the Rasayanas, notably the use of metals in medicine. Certain sects of Yogis claim that many of their principal teachers are still living in their old bodies. Patanjali, the great authority on Yoga, does not deny this.
The Western Translator::The power of words. There are certain sacred words called Mantras, which have power, when repeated under proper conditions, to produce these extraordinary powers. We are living in the midst of such a mass of miracles, day and night, that we do not think anything of them. There is no limit to man's power, the power of words and the power of mind.
Mortification. ( Meant austerity and Discipline) You find that in every religion mortification and asceticism have been practiced. In these religious conceptions the Hindus always go to the extremes. You will find men with their hands up all their lives, until their hands wither and die. Men keep standing, day and night, until their feet swell, and if they live, the legs become so stiff in this position that they can no more bend them, but have to stand all their lives. I once saw a man who had kept his hands raised in this way, and I asked him how it felt when he did it first. He said it was awful torture. It was such torture that he had to go to a river and put himself in water, and that allayed the pain for a little while. After a month he did not suffer much. Through such practices powers (Siddhis) can be attained.

Our class at the Vedanta Society of Toronto will continue once again in the month of May.

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